Country | United States of America |
State | Ohio |
Region | |
Airspace | Indianapolis Ctr |
Municipality | Perry County |
Elevation | 904ft (276m) |
Timezone | GMT -5 |
Coordinates | 39.92149, -82.46261 |
Magnetic var | |
Type | land |
Available since | X-Plane v10.40 |
ICAO code | 2OH3 |
IATA code | n/a |
FAA code | n/a |
Runway 09 / 27 | ||
length | 610m (2001ft) | |
bearing | 86° / 266° | |
width | 18m (60ft) | |
surface | grass |
code | identifier | dist | bearing | frequency |
APE | APPLETON VORTAC | 14.9 | 331° | 116.70 |
LC | PICKL (COLUMBUS) NDB | 17.3 | 264° | 376 |
LCK | RICKENBACKER (COLUMBUS) TACAN | 22.5 | 256° | 134.20 |
ZZV | ZANESVILLE VOR/DME | 26.2 | 88° | 114.95 |
DD | COBBS (COLUMBUS) NDB | 27.8 | 252° | 253 |
XUB | YELLOW BUD (CIRCLEVILLE) VOR | 33.5 | 233° | 112.50 |
BU | BOUTN (COLUMBUS) NDB | 34.7 | 262° | 230 |
OS | FULER (COLUMBUS) NDB | 35 | 282° | 515 |
UGS | UNIVERSITY (ATHENS) NDB | 42.8 | 153° | 250 |
CSS | COURT HOUSE (WASHINGTON) NDB | 47 | 251° | 414 |
CTW | DME | 48.9 | 73° | 111.80 |
BUD | BUCKEYE (MARION) VOR | 50 | 319° | 109.80 |
EOP | WAVERLY NDB | 50.2 | 212° | 385 |
MF | MANNS (MANSFIELD) NDB | 50.7 | 1° | 372 |
MFD | MANSFIELD VORTAC | 57.1 | 352° | 108.80 |
PK | VERSI (PARKERSBURG) NDB | 60.4 | 124° | 388 |
The information on this website is not for real aviation. Use this data with the X-Plane flight simulator only! Data taken with kind consent from X-Plane 12 source code and data files. Content is subject to change without notice.