Country | United States of America |
State | Ohio |
Region | |
Airspace | Cleveland Ctr |
Municipality | Akron |
Elevation | 950ft (290m) |
Timezone | GMT -5 |
Coordinates | 41.08617, -81.52762 |
Magnetic var | |
Type | helipad |
Available since | X-Plane v10.40 |
ICAO code | 85OI |
IATA code | n/a |
FAA code | 85OI |
code | identifier | dist | bearing | frequency |
AK | AKRON NDB | 6.4 | 97° | 362 |
ACO | AKRON VOR/DME | 14.8 | 86° | 114.40 |
BSV | BRIGGS VOR/DME | 21.1 | 165° | 112.40 |
BF | TABEY (CLEVELAND) NDB | 29 | 355° | 248 |
CXR | CHARDON VOR/DME | 30.6 | 40° | 112.70 |
DJB | DRYER VOR/DME | 32.9 | 293° | 113.60 |
LQL | LAKELAND (WILLOUGHBY) NDB | 36.4 | 14° | 263 |
YNG | YOUNGSTOWN VORTAC | 41.2 | 74° | 109 |
YN | FETCH (YOUNGSTOWN/WARREN) NDB | 42.6 | 83° | 338 |
MF | MANNS (MANSFIELD) NDB | 45.8 | 251° | 372 |
CTW | DME | 51.5 | 177° | 111.80 |
JFN | JEFFERSON VOR/DME | 53.5 | 49° | 115.20 |
CFX | CADIZ NDB | 56.1 | 149° | 239 |
HLG | WHEELING VOR/DME | 66.1 | 131° | 112.20 |
The information on this website is not for real aviation. Use this data with the X-Plane flight simulator only! Data taken with kind consent from X-Plane 12 source code and data files. Content is subject to change without notice.