Airports for X-Plane offers a convenient way to explore airports and their related communication information for the X-Plane flight simulator. It only uses data from the X-Plane flight simulator itself, and is therefore more reliable than the data that comes from real aviation websites. You can search for airports by using the ICAO code, or browse for airports per country and state. The information displayed is categorized by airport details, runway information, airport communication, approach frequencies (ILS and Glidepath details), details of nearby beacons, SIDs, STARs and approach procedures.

aerodromes airplane frankfurt airport station warfare airstrip nearby gravel airport apron airport check-in embassy regional luggage airspace road airline landing area hotel asphalt control tower

St Jean

Nearby Points of Interest:
Fort Saint-Jean
Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu railway station
Église Sainte-Marguerite-de-Blairfindie
Four à pain Dupuis
Maison natale Honoré-Mercier
Fort Sainte Thérèse
Maison Thomas-Whitehead
St. Stephen's Church
De Salaberry House
Fort Laprairie
Farnham, Quebec railway station
Lacolle railway station
Église Saint-Bruno-de-Montarville
Nuns' Island gas station
Grange Alexander-Solomon-Walbridge
Moulin à eau de la Grande Barbue
Habitat 67
Bank of Montreal National Historic Site
Grey Nuns' Hospital
St. Ann's Market
Place D'Youville
Lachine Canal
Wilson Chambers Building


The information on this website is not for real aviation. Use this data with the X-Plane flight simulator only! Data taken with kind consent from X-Plane 12 source code and data files. Content is subject to change without notice.