Country | United States of America |
State | West Virginia |
Region | K6 |
Airspace | Indianapolis Ctr |
Municipality | Braxton County |
Elevation | 1272ft (388m) |
Timezone | GMT -5 |
Coordinates | 38.68711, -80.65208 |
Magnetic var | |
Type | land |
Available since | X-Plane v10.40 |
ICAO code | 48I |
IATA code | n/a |
FAA code | n/a |
Braxton Co AWOS | 118.225 |
Braxton Co CTAF | 122.900 |
Braxton Co Tower | 123.450 |
Braxton Co Approach/Departure | 121.150 |
Braxton Co Clarksburg Approach | 121.150 |
Braxton Co Clarksburg Departure | 121.150 |
code | identifier | dist | bearing | frequency |
EKN | ELKINS VORTAC | 29.2 | 68° | 114.20 |
CKB | CLARKSBURG VOR/DME | 38.4 | 34° | 112.60 |
RQY | RANDOLPH CO. (ELKINS) NDB | 39.1 | 75° | 284 |
RNL | RAINELLE VOR | 43.3 | 192° | 116.60 |
LWB | DME | 50.9 | 162° | 116.05 |
PK | VERSI (PARKERSBURG) NDB | 51.6 | 304° | 388 |
LW | BUSHI (LEWISBURG) NDB | 55 | 169° | 346 |
JPU | PARKERSBURG VOR/DME | 56.4 | 316° | 108.60 |
BKW | BECKLEY VOR/DME | 58.8 | 207° | 117.70 |
MGW | MORGANTOWN VOR/DME | 63.9 | 42° | 111.60 |
runway | airway (heading) | route (dist, bearing) |
RW20 | DOYEV (190°) | DOYEV 4000ft |
RNAV | DOYEV 4000ft FORIV (6mi, 190°) 3000ft 48I (6mi, 190°) 1316ft (4968mi, 116°) 1676ft DOYEV (4967mi, 296°) 4000ft DOYEV (turn) |
The information on this website is not for real aviation. Use this data with the X-Plane flight simulator only! Data taken with kind consent from X-Plane 12 source code and data files. Content is subject to change without notice.