Country | Canada |
State | Nunavut |
Region | CY |
Airspace | Edmonton Ctr |
Municipality | Sanirajak |
Elevation | 25ft (8m) |
Timezone | GMT -5 |
Coordinates | 68.77577, -81.24245 |
Magnetic var | |
Type | land |
Available since | X-Plane v10.40 |
ICAO code | CYUX |
IATA code | YUX |
FAA code | n/a |
Hall Beach AWOS | 128.690 |
Hall Beach MULTICOM | 126.900 |
Hall Beach MULTICOM | 122.200 |
Hall Beach MULTICOM | 126.700 |
Hall Beach Phoney Tower | 128.800 |
Runway 12 / 30 | ||
length | 1651m (5417ft) | |
bearing | 101° / 281° | |
width | 46m (150ft) | |
surface | gravel | |
blast zone | 179m (587ft) / 60m (197ft) |
code | identifier | dist | bearing | frequency |
YUX | HALL BEACH VOR/DME | 0.1 | 50° | 117.30 |
UX | HALL BEACH NDB | 0.5 | 239° | 378 |
runway | airway (heading) | route (dist, bearing) |
RW12 | DEBEX (93°) | DEBEX AGPEM (5mi, 62°) 1500ft |
RW12 | IPVUR (121°) | IPVUR AGPEM (5mi, 242°) 1500ft |
RNAV | AGPEM 1500ft IMODO (6mi, 104°) 1500ft CYUX (5mi, 104°) 80ft APLID (2mi, 104°) PENKA (3mi, 104°) 1500ft PENKA (turn) | |
RW30 | TIGUN (301°) | TIGUN IRLAT (5mi, 62°) 1500ft |
RW30 | VESGI (274°) | VESGI IRLAT (5mi, 242°) 1500ft |
RNAV | IRLAT 1500ft MURAX (6mi, 284°) 1500ft CYUX (5mi, 284°) 71ft NOTOK (2mi, 284°) VODET (3mi, 284°) 1500ft VODET (turn) |
The information on this website is not for real aviation. Use this data with the X-Plane flight simulator only! Data taken with kind consent from X-Plane 12 source code and data files. Content is subject to change without notice.