Airports for X-Plane offers a convenient way to explore airports and their related communication information for the X-Plane flight simulator. It only uses data from the X-Plane flight simulator itself, and is therefore more reliable than the data that comes from real aviation websites. You can search for airports by using the ICAO code, or browse for airports per country and state. The information displayed is categorized by airport details, runway information, airport communication, approach frequencies (ILS and Glidepath details), details of nearby beacons, SIDs, STARs and approach procedures.

asphalt aircraft passengers warfare flights jet capital aerodromes stopover airport terminal non-towered airport international seaplanes aircraft carrier stolport airfield traffic pattern ferry hotel runway lighting airstrip

Riga - Riga Intl

Airport details

AirspaceRiga Ctr
MunicipalityMārupes pagasts
Elevation34ft (10m)
TimezoneGMT +2
Coordinates56.92361, 23.97111
Magnetic var
Available sinceX-Plane v10.40
FAA coden/a


Riga Intl ATIS124.800
Riga Intl Riga Ground118.800
Riga Intl Riga Tower118.100
Riga Intl Riga Approach134.850
Riga Intl Riga Approach129.930

Approach frequencies

3° GSRW36108.118.00mi
3° GSRW18111.118.00mi
Nearby Points of Interest:
Lutheran church in Piņķi
Latvian State Historical Archive
Spilve Airport
Bust of Johann Gottfried Herder in Riga
Palace of Peter the Great
House of the Livonian Noble Corporation
Riga Cathedral pipe organ
St. Catherine's Roman Catholic Church, Riga
St. George's Church
Reutern House
Powder Tower, Riga
Palladium Riga
Lutheran church in Bulduri
Štricka nams
Babītes Lutheran church near Klīves
St. Paul's Lutheran Church
Rainis and Aspazija summer house
Assumption of Our Lady Church, Bolderāja
Ortodox Church in Dubulti
Mežaparks Lutheran Church
Capture of Daugavgrīva
Salaspils camp

Nearby beacons

RIARIGA VOR/DME0.2245°112.05
TUKSMARDE VOR/DME23.9271°112.30

Departure and arrival routes

Transition altitude5000ft
SID end pointsdistanceoutbound heading
 BERI1H, BERI1J38mi224°
 ASKO1J, ASKO1H55mi248°
 VALE1H, VALE1J51mi262°
 TENS1H, TENS1J55mi275°
 LAPS1J, LAPS1H50mi287°

STAR starting pointsdistanceinbound heading
 GUNT1G, GUNT1R33.921°
 ORVI1S, ORVI1G52.289°
 TENS1S, TENS1G55.195°
 LAPS1S, LAPS1G50.0107°
 GUNT1V, GUNT1U33.921°
 ASKO1T, ASKO1V55.368°
 LUTA1U, LUTA1T58.6177°
 AMOL1U, AMOL1V43.3262°
 BARV1U, BARV1V51.8273°
 TUSA1V, TUSA1U47.7290°
 ERIV1V, ERIV1U39.7310°

Instrument approach procedures

runwayairway (heading)route (dist, bearing)
RW18-ZAKSEJ (246°)AKSEJ 3500ft
RA812 (4mi, 271°) 2000ft
RA810 (3mi, 244°) 1000ft
RW18-ZTICAC (103°)TICAC 5000ft
RA811 (7mi, 82°) 2300ft
RA810 (4mi, 115°) 1000ft
 RNAVRA810 1000ft
EVRA (4mi, 189°) 85ft
(3609mi, 203°) 2500ft
RW36-ZNETME (302°)NETME 3000ft
RA913 (4mi, 269°) 1800ft
RA911 (3mi, 300°) 1100ft
RW36-ZSIDRE (64°)SIDRE 3000ft
RA912 (3mi, 94°) 1800ft
RA911 (3mi, 66°) 1100ft
 RNAVRA911 1100ft
EVRA (4mi, 9°) 89ft
(3609mi, 203°) 2500ft

Holding patterns

STAR namehold attypeturnheading*altitudelegspeed limit
AMOL1RPUZFEVHFright59 (239)°9000ft - 14000ft1.0min timed240
AMOL1UPUZFEVHFright59 (239)°9000ft - 14000ft1.0min timed240
AMOL1VPUZFEVHFright59 (239)°9000ft - 14000ft1.0min timed240
BARV1RPUZFEVHFright59 (239)°9000ft - 14000ft1.0min timed240
BARV1UPUZFEVHFright59 (239)°9000ft - 14000ft1.0min timed240
LAPS1GVEKZOVHFleft269 (89)°6000ft - 14000ft1.0min timed240
LAPS1SVEKZOVHFleft269 (89)°6000ft - 14000ft1.0min timed240
LAPS1TVEKZOVHFleft269 (89)°6000ft - 14000ft1.0min timed240
ORVI1GVEKZOVHFleft269 (89)°6000ft - 14000ft1.0min timed240
ORVI1SVEKZOVHFleft269 (89)°6000ft - 14000ft1.0min timed240
ORVI1TVEKZOVHFleft269 (89)°6000ft - 14000ft1.0min timed240
TENS1GVEKZOVHFleft269 (89)°6000ft - 14000ft1.0min timed240
TENS1SVEKZOVHFleft269 (89)°6000ft - 14000ft1.0min timed240
TENS1TVEKZOVHFleft269 (89)°6000ft - 14000ft1.0min timed240
*) magnetic outbound (inbound) holding course


The information on this website is not for real aviation. Use this data with the X-Plane flight simulator only! Data taken with kind consent from X-Plane 12 source code and data files. Content is subject to change without notice.