Airports for X-Plane offers a convenient way to explore airports and their related communication information for the X-Plane flight simulator. It only uses data from the X-Plane flight simulator itself, and is therefore more reliable than the data that comes from real aviation websites. You can search for airports by using the ICAO code, or browse for airports per country and state. The information displayed is categorized by airport details, runway information, airport communication, approach frequencies (ILS and Glidepath details), details of nearby beacons, SIDs, STARs and approach procedures.

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Airport details

AirspaceAddis Abeba Ctr
MunicipalityCentral Tigray
Elevation6958ft (2121m)
TimezoneGMT +3
Coordinates14.13707, 38.77605
Magnetic var
Available sinceX-Plane v10.40
FAA coden/a


Axum Ground Control121.900
Axum Tower118.700

Runway info

Runway 16 / 34
 length2367m (7766ft)
 bearing161° / 341°
 width45m (148ft)
 blast zone61m (200ft) / 104m (341ft)

Airport layout - parking location 2

Parking locations

Nearby beacons

MKMEKELE NDB58.3132°256
QHAMEKELE VOR/DME59.1132°116.60

Departure and arrival routes

Transition altitude14000ft
STAR starting pointsdistanceinbound heading
 EKBA2A, EKBA2B39.531°
 GETU2A, GETU2B39.541°
 APKA2A, APKA2B39.6311°

Instrument approach procedures

runwayairway (heading)route (dist, bearing)
RW34AX001 (341°)AX001 14000ft
AX004 (8mi, 341°) 11000ft
RW34AX002 (315°)AX002 14000ft
AX004 (8mi, 271°) 11000ft
RW34AX003 (12°)AX003 14000ft
AX004 (10mi, 52°) 11000ft
 RNAVAX004 11000ft
AX005 (5mi, 341°) 9580ft
AX006 (5mi, 341°) 7903ft
AX007 (6mi, 341°)
(2456mi, 250°)
AX008 (2449mi, 70°)
AX001 (15mi, 133°) 14000ft
AX001 (turn) 14000ft

Holding patterns

STAR namehold attypeturnheading*altitudelegspeed limit
APKA2AAX001VHFright158 (338)°> 14000ft1.0min timedICAO rules
APKA2BAX002VHFright88 (268)°> 14000ft1.0min timedICAO rules
AXENA2AX001VHFright158 (338)°> 14000ft1.0min timedICAO rules
EKBA2AAX003VHFright228 (48)°> 14000ft1.0min timedICAO rules
EKBA2BAX001VHFright158 (338)°> 14000ft1.0min timedICAO rules
GETU2AAX003VHFright228 (48)°> 14000ft1.0min timedICAO rules
GETU2BAX001VHFright158 (338)°> 14000ft1.0min timedICAO rules
TIDEG2AX002VHFright88 (268)°> 14000ft1.0min timedICAO rules
TIDEG2TIDEGVHFright74 (254)°> 14000ft1.0min timedICAO rules
*) magnetic outbound (inbound) holding course


The information on this website is not for real aviation. Use this data with the X-Plane flight simulator only! Data taken with kind consent from X-Plane 12 source code and data files. Content is subject to change without notice.