Country | Brazil |
State | São Paulo |
Region | SB |
Airspace | Curitiba Ctr |
Elevation | 2368ft (722m) |
Timezone | GMT -3 |
Coordinates | -23.50750, -46.63445 |
Magnetic var | |
Type | land |
Available since | X-Plane v10.40 |
ICAO code | SBMT |
IATA code | n/a |
FAA code | n/a |
Campo de Marte Airport Ground Control | 121.600 |
Campo de Marte Airport Tower | 118.700 |
Campo de Marte Airport SAO PAULO Approach | 129.500 |
Campo de Marte Airport SAO PAULO Approach | 119.800 |
Campo de Marte Airport SAO PAULO Approach | 120.050 |
code | identifier | dist | bearing | frequency |
IG | TUCA (SAO PAULO) NDB | 4.3 | 53° | 410 |
CGO | CONGONHAS (SAO PAULO) VOR/DME | 7.2 | 190° | 116.90 |
DAD | DIADEMA (SAO PAULO) NDB | 12 | 171° | 200 |
BCO | BONSUCESSO (SAO PAULO) VOR/DME | 15 | 68° | 116 |
STN | SANTANA (SAO PAULO TMA) VOR/DME | 15.9 | 274° | 114.30 |
EMB | EMBUGUACU (SAO PAULO) NDB | 22.9 | 208° | 525 |
RDE | REDE (SAO PAULO) VOR/DME | 23.7 | 165° | 116.70 |
BGC | BRAGANCA (BRAGANCA PAULIS VOR/DME | 33.5 | 7° | 116.20 |
CPN | CAMPINAS VOR/DME | 40.5 | 315° | 112 |
SCB | SOROCABA (SAO PAULO TMA) VOR/DME | 40.9 | 270° | 115.20 |
IK | BENTO (CAMPINAS) NDB | 45.6 | 314° | 370 |
SCP | SAO JOSE (SAO JOSE DOS CA VOR/DME | 45.7 | 70° | 115.40 |
The information on this website is not for real aviation. Use this data with the X-Plane flight simulator only! Data taken with kind consent from X-Plane 12 source code and data files. Content is subject to change without notice.