Airports for X-Plane offers a convenient way to explore airports and their related communication information for the X-Plane flight simulator. It only uses data from the X-Plane flight simulator itself, and is therefore more reliable than the data that comes from real aviation websites. You can search for airports by using the ICAO code, or browse for airports per country and state. The information displayed is categorized by airport details, runway information, airport communication, approach frequencies (ILS and Glidepath details), details of nearby beacons, SIDs, STARs and approach procedures.

airbase airport terminal rail hospital buildings air traffic control automated airport weather station international airport stol city nation airport check-in aviation road traffic landing area newark air safety airports runway lighting

Vitória - Goiabeiras

Airport details

StateEspírito Santo
AirspaceRecife Ctr
Elevation11ft (3m)
TimezoneGMT -3
Coordinates-20.25805, -40.28639
Magnetic var
Available sinceX-Plane v10.40
FAA coden/a


Goiabeiras VITORIA ATIS127.575
Goiabeiras VITORIA Ground Control121.950
Goiabeiras VITORIA Tower118.100
Goiabeiras VITORIA Approach119.850

Approach frequencies

3° GSRW24109.318.00mi
Nearby Points of Interest:
Capixaba Market
Arquivo Público do Estado do Espírito Santo
Church of Our Lady of the Rosary
Casa à Rua José Marcelino, 197
Domingos Martins Palace
Ponte Florentino Avidos
Casa da Cultura de Fundão

Runway info

Runway 02 / 20  
 length2074m (6804ft)
 bearing352° / 172°
 width45m (148ft)
 blast zone60m (197ft) / 60m (197ft)
Runway 06 / 24  
 length1751m (5745ft)
 bearing33° / 213°
 width45m (148ft)
 blast zone60m (197ft) / 0m (0ft)

Airport layout - taxiway location D

Taxiway locations
Parking locations

Nearby beacons


Departure and arrival routes

Transition altitude5000ft
SID end pointsdistanceoutbound heading
 BUVI1C, BUVI2A40mi231°
 BUVI1D, BUVI1B40mi231°
 EDSO1A, VAPO2A40mi231°
 ARVI1D, EGLE1A40mi231°

STAR starting pointsdistanceinbound heading

Instrument approach procedures

runwayairway (heading)route (dist, bearing)
RW02-ZEGDID (319°)EGDID 4000ft
VT002 (6mi, 262°) 2500ft
RW02-ZNEVPO (21°)NEVPO 4000ft
VT002 (6mi, 83°) 2500ft
RW02-ZVT007 (350°)VT007 4000ft
VT002 (5mi, 352°) 2500ft
 RNAVVT002 2500ft
VAPOK (5mi, 352°) 1800ft
VT025 (2mi, 352°) 1100ft
VT005 (3mi, 352°) 84ft
BUVIM (6mi, 27°)
VT063 (6mi, 111°)
EGDID (13mi, 184°) 4000ft
EGDID (turn) 4000ft
RW06-BVT014 (33°)VT014 4000ft
VT081 (6mi, 85°) 2700ft
RW06-BVT032 (63°)VT032 4500ft
VT014 (8mi, 161°) 4000ft
VT081 (6mi, 85°) 2700ft
 RNAVVT081 2700ft
VT082 (5mi, 14°) 2420ft
VT098 (4mi, 359°) 1100ft
BUVIM (10mi, 28°)
VT084 (19mi, 189°) 4000ft
VT014 (9mi, 272°) 4000ft
VT014 (turn) 4000ft
RW06-RVT014 (33°)VT014 4000ft
VT088 (5mi, 65°) 3000ft
RW06-RVT032 (63°)VT032 4500ft
VT086 (3mi, 155°) 3500ft
VT088 (6mi, 109°) 3000ft
 RNAVVT088 3000ft
VT089 (5mi, 27°) 2000ft
VT091 (2mi, 347°) 1620ft
VT092 (2mi, 10°)
SBVT (3mi, 34°) 63ft
VT094 (7mi, 33°)
VT096 (7mi, 120°)
VT084 (19mi, 212°)
VT014 (9mi, 272°)
VT014 (turn) 4000ft
RW06-YVT012 (2°)VT012 4000ft
VT017 (6mi, 300°) 2500ft
RW06-YVT014 (33°)VT014 4000ft
VT017 (5mi, 33°) 2500ft
RW06-YVT032 (63°)VT032 4500ft
VT017 (6mi, 120°) 2500ft
 RNAVVT017 2500ft
VT018 (5mi, 33°) 2040ft
VRI20 (2mi, 33°) 1406ft
VRI21 (turn) 1134ft
SBVT (3mi, 34°) 63ft
(2661mi, 63°) 1300ft
VT012 (2666mi, 243°) 4000ft
VT012 (turn) 4000ft
RW20-ABIXOG (182°)BIXOG 4000ft
ANGIK (6mi, 120°) 2000ft
RW20-ACRAVO (243°)CRAVO 4000ft
ANGIK (6mi, 300°) 2000ft
RW20-AESKUK (213°)ESKUK 4000ft
ANGIK (5mi, 213°) 2000ft
VT061 (3mi, 213°) 1700ft
VT062 (3mi, 213°) 740ft
VT066 (6mi, 194°)
CRAVO (13mi, 52°) 4000ft
CRAVO (turn) 4000ft
RW20-XBIXOG (182°)BIXOG 4000ft
VT067 (2mi, 73°) 3600ft
VT069 (6mi, 136°) 2500ft
VT071 (2mi, 223°) 2000ft
RW20-XESKUK (213°)ESKUK 4000ft
VT069 (5mi, 204°) 2500ft
VT071 (2mi, 223°) 2000ft
 RNAVVT071 2000ft
VT076 (4mi, 242°) 1660ft
VT077 (3mi, 208°) 710ft
SBVT (3mi, 180°) 68ft
VT079 (5mi, 167°)
VT073 (7mi, 87°)
ESKUK (17mi, 2°) 4000ft
ESKUK (turn) 4000ft
RW24-VBIXOG (182°)BIXOG 4000ft
ANGIK (6mi, 120°) 2000ft
RW24-VCRAVO (243°)CRAVO 4000ft
ANGIK (6mi, 300°) 2000ft
RW24-VESKUK (213°)ESKUK 4000ft
ANGIK (5mi, 213°) 2000ft
ACNEL (5mi, 213°) 1660ft
SBVT (5mi, 213°) 63ft
(2661mi, 63°) 700ft
VAPOK (2662mi, 243°)
CRAVO (15mi, 42°) 4000ft
CRAVO (turn) 4000ft

Holding patterns

STAR namehold attypeturnheading*altitudelegspeed limit
ISIL1AVT032VHFright334 (154)°1.0min timedICAO rules
ISIL1BVT041VHFleft56 (236)°1.0min timedICAO rules
ISIL1CCOMPUVHFright25 (205)°1.0min timedICAO rules
KIGO1AVT032VHFright334 (154)°1.0min timedICAO rules
KIGO1BVT043VHFright304 (124)°1.0min timedICAO rules
KIGO1CVT059VHFleft276 (96)°1.0min timedICAO rules
MIKE1CVT059VHFleft276 (96)°1.0min timedICAO rules
SARL1AVT032VHFright334 (154)°1.0min timedICAO rules
SARL1BVT041VHFleft56 (236)°1.0min timedICAO rules
SARL1CCOMPUVHFright25 (205)°1.0min timedICAO rules
*) magnetic outbound (inbound) holding course


The information on this website is not for real aviation. Use this data with the X-Plane flight simulator only! Data taken with kind consent from X-Plane 12 source code and data files. Content is subject to change without notice.