Airports for X-Plane offers a convenient way to explore airports and their related communication information for the X-Plane flight simulator. It only uses data from the X-Plane flight simulator itself, and is therefore more reliable than the data that comes from real aviation websites. You can search for airports by using the ICAO code, or browse for airports per country and state. The information displayed is categorized by airport details, runway information, airport communication, approach frequencies (ILS and Glidepath details), details of nearby beacons, SIDs, STARs and approach procedures.

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Nouakchott - Nouakchott-oumtounsy

Airport details

StateNouakchott Nord
AirspaceDakar Ctr
Elevation7ft (2m)
TimezoneGMT +0
Coordinates18.30988, -15.96963
Magnetic var
Available sinceX-Plane v11.20
FAA coden/a


Nouakchott-Oumtounsy Tower118.400
Nouakchott-Oumtounsy Departure118.400

Approach frequencies

3° GSRW06109.118.00mi
3° GSRW34110.918.00mi

Runway info

Runway 06 / 24  
 length2404m (7887ft)
 bearing51° / 231°
 width45m (148ft)
 blast zone106m (348ft) / 122m (400ft)
Runway 16 / 34  
 length3412m (11194ft)
 bearing149° / 329°
 width60m (197ft)
 blast zone124m (407ft) / 121m (397ft)

Nearby beacons


Departure and arrival routes

Transition altitude3100ft
STAR starting pointsdistanceinbound heading
 SEPE1L, SEPE2L56.2299°
 EPET1L, EPET2L159.7312°
 BIKI1T, BIKI1V130.622°
 EREN1T, EREN1V107.4157°
 GUPE1T, GUPE1V189.5198°
 MINB1V, MINB1T142.7234°
 SEPE1T, SEPE1V56.2299°
 EPET1V, EPET1T159.7312°
 ULNO1T, ULNO1V, ULNO2T74.2346°
 BIKI1G, BIKI1V130.622°
 EREN1G, EREN1V107.4157°
 GUPE1V, GUPE1G189.5198°
 MINB1V, MINB1G142.7234°
 SEPE1G, SEPE1V56.2299°
 EPET1V, EPET1G159.7312°
 ULNO1G, ULNO1V74.2346°

Instrument approach procedures

runwayairway (heading)route (dist, bearing)
RW06AGROB (72°)AGROB 2000ft
NO501 (6mi, 119°) 2000ft
RW06BINAD (30°)BINAD 2000ft
NO501 (6mi, 339°) 2000ft
RW06LILEP (51°)LILEP 2000ft
NO501 (6mi, 51°) 2000ft
 RNAVNO501 2000ft
NO502 (5mi, 51°) 2000ft
GQNO (8mi, 52°) 60ft
NO503 (3mi, 48°)
NO504 (14mi, 272°) 2000ft
AGROB (9mi, 203°) 2000ft
RW16GANSI (121°)GANSI 2000ft
NO518 (6mi, 61°) 2000ft
RW16INEDI (148°)INEDI 2000ft
NO518 (6mi, 148°) 2000ft
RW16KOSAP (177°)KOSAP 2000ft
NO518 (6mi, 241°) 2000ft
 RNAVNO518 2000ft
NO519 (5mi, 148°) 2000ft
GQNO (7mi, 149°) 53ft
NO520 (5mi, 149°)
NO521 (11mi, 282°) 2000ft
GANSI (9mi, 341°) 2000ft
RW24GALOR (207°)GALOR 2000ft
NO506 (6mi, 159°) 2000ft
RW24KOMIR (231°)KOMIR 2000ft
NO506 (6mi, 231°) 2000ft
RW24MERAR (254°)MERAR 2000ft
NO506 (6mi, 299°) 2000ft
 RNAVNO506 2000ft
NO507 (5mi, 231°) 2000ft
GQNO (6mi, 229°) 57ft
NO508 (5mi, 233°)
NO509 (13mi, 3°) 2000ft
GALOR (10mi, 71°) 2000ft
RW34ARDOS (303°)ARDOS 2000ft
NO511 (6mi, 241°) 2000ft
RW34GASOT (329°)GASOT 2000ft
NO511 (5mi, 329°) 2000ft
RW34TUVAT (344°)TUVAT 2000ft
NO511 (5mi, 23°) 2000ft
 RNAVNO511 2000ft
NO512 (5mi, 329°) 2000ft
GQNO (8mi, 329°) 57ft
NO513 (4mi, 329°)
NO514 (11mi, 207°) 2000ft
NO516 (6mi, 172°) 2000ft
NO517 (8mi, 145°) 2000ft
TUVAT (7mi, 61°) 2000ft

Holding patterns

STAR namehold attypeturnheading*altitudelegspeed limit
ARBE1GGAMONVHFright156 (336)°2000ft - 7000ftDME 5.0mi230
ARBE1LLOSNAVHFleft245 (65)°2000ft - 9000ftDME 5.0mi230
ARBE1TTANEBVHFleft336 (156)°2000ft - 9000ftDME 5.0mi230
BIKI1GGAMONVHFright156 (336)°2000ft - 7000ftDME 5.0mi230
BIKI1LLOSNAVHFleft245 (65)°2000ft - 9000ftDME 5.0mi230
BIKI1TTANEBVHFleft336 (156)°2000ft - 9000ftDME 5.0mi230
EPET1GGAMONVHFright156 (336)°2000ft - 7000ftDME 5.0mi230
EPET1LLOSNAVHFleft245 (65)°2000ft - 9000ftDME 5.0mi230
EPET1TTANEBVHFleft336 (156)°2000ft - 9000ftDME 5.0mi230
EPET2LLOSNAVHFleft245 (65)°2000ft - 9000ftDME 5.0mi230
EREN1GGAMONVHFright156 (336)°2000ft - 7000ftDME 5.0mi230
EREN1LLOSNAVHFleft245 (65)°2000ft - 9000ftDME 5.0mi230
EREN1TTANEBVHFleft336 (156)°2000ft - 9000ftDME 5.0mi230
GUPE1GGAMONVHFright156 (336)°2000ft - 7000ftDME 5.0mi230
GUPE1LLOSNAVHFleft245 (65)°2000ft - 9000ftDME 5.0mi230
GUPE1TTANEBVHFleft336 (156)°2000ft - 9000ftDME 5.0mi230
MINB1GGAMONVHFright156 (336)°2000ft - 7000ftDME 5.0mi230
MINB1LLOSNAVHFleft245 (65)°2000ft - 9000ftDME 5.0mi230
MINB1TTANEBVHFleft336 (156)°2000ft - 9000ftDME 5.0mi230
SEPE1GGAMONVHFright156 (336)°2000ft - 7000ftDME 5.0mi230
SEPE1LLOSNAVHFleft245 (65)°2000ft - 9000ftDME 5.0mi230
SEPE1TTANEBVHFleft336 (156)°2000ft - 9000ftDME 5.0mi230
SEPE2LLOSNAVHFleft245 (65)°2000ft - 9000ftDME 5.0mi230
ULNO1GGAMONVHFright156 (336)°2000ft - 7000ftDME 5.0mi230
ULNO1LLOSNAVHFleft245 (65)°2000ft - 9000ftDME 5.0mi230
ULNO1TTANEBVHFleft336 (156)°2000ft - 9000ftDME 5.0mi230
ULNO2TTANEBVHFleft336 (156)°2000ft - 9000ftDME 5.0mi230
ZRT1GGAMONVHFright156 (336)°2000ft - 7000ftDME 5.0mi230
ZRT1LLOSNAVHFleft245 (65)°2000ft - 9000ftDME 5.0mi230
ZRT1TTANEBVHFleft336 (156)°2000ft - 9000ftDME 5.0mi230
*) magnetic outbound (inbound) holding course


The information on this website is not for real aviation. Use this data with the X-Plane flight simulator only! Data taken with kind consent from X-Plane 12 source code and data files. Content is subject to change without notice.