Airports for X-Plane offers a convenient way to explore airports and their related communication information for the X-Plane flight simulator. It only uses data from the X-Plane flight simulator itself, and is therefore more reliable than the data that comes from real aviation websites. You can search for airports by using the ICAO code, or browse for airports per country and state. The information displayed is categorized by airport details, runway information, airport communication, approach frequencies (ILS and Glidepath details), details of nearby beacons, SIDs, STARs and approach procedures.

traffic airport check-in air traffic control flight attendant aviation capital jetliner corporation terminal plane international airport station warfare jet immigration airfield traffic pattern airspace arriving gravel airdock

Da Nang - Danang Intl

Airport details

StateDa Nang Municipality
AirspaceHo Chi Minh Ctr
MunicipalityDa Nang
Elevation33ft (10m)
TimezoneGMT +7
Coordinates16.03932, 108.20486
Magnetic var
Available sinceX-Plane v10.40
FAA coden/a


Danang Intl Ground Control121.900
Danang Intl Ground Control121.600
Danang Intl Tower125.000
Danang Intl Approach119.500
Danang Intl Approach125.300

Approach frequencies

3° GSRW35L110.518.00mi
3° GSRW35R111.518.00mi
Nearby Points of Interest:
Hội An
Mỹ Sơn

Runway info

Runway 17L / 35R  
 length3518m (11542ft)
 bearing172° / 352°
 width45m (148ft)
 blast zone255m (837ft) / 255m (837ft)
Runway 17R / 35L  
 length3064m (10052ft)
 bearing172° / 352°
 width45m (148ft)
 blast zone255m (837ft) / 255m (837ft)

Airport layout - parking location Gate8

Taxiway locations
Parking locations

Nearby beacons

DANDA NANG VOR/DME0.8334°114.40
DDA NANG NDB1.3182°234
DJDA NANG NDB3.7178°212
PBPHU BAI (HUE) NDB32.8309°440
PPHU BAI (HUE) NDB35307°348
HUEPHU BAI (HUE) VOR/DME36.2306°115.80
CLACHU LAI VOR/DME46.6142°115.20
CQCHU LAI NDB47.4141°300

Departure and arrival routes

Transition altitude9022ft
Transition level10000ft
SID end pointsdistanceoutbound heading
RW17 (ALL)
 KANG1J, KANG1B33mi56°
 TAMK1G, TAMK1B47mi141°
 ANLU1D, ANLU1B58mi182°
 TAHU1B, TAHU1D60mi185°
 HUE1H, HUE1B36mi306°
RW35 (ALL)
 KANG1H, KANG1A33mi56°
 TAMK1F, TAMK1A47mi141°
 ANLU1C, ANLU1A58mi182°
 TAHU1A, TAHU1C60mi185°

STAR starting pointsdistanceinbound heading
RW35 (ALL)
 KANG1B, KANG1A32.5236°
 TAMK1A, TAMK1B47.4321°
 HUE1C, HUE1E36.2126°
 CAHE1C, CAHE1E32.8154°
 KANG1D, KAN1C, KANG1F32.5236°
 TAM1C, TAMK1D47.4321°
 HUE1F, HUE1D36.2126°
 CAHE1F, CAHE1D32.8154°
 KANG1E, KANG1G32.5236°

Holding patterns

STAR namehold attypeturnheading*altitudelegspeed limit
CAH1BDJFIXright173 (353)°7060ft - 14000ft1.0min timedICAO rules
CAHE1ADANNDBright330 (150)°14000ft - 60000ft1.5min timedICAO rules
CAHE1CCAHEOVHFright348 (168)°10000ft - 14000ft1.0min timed230
CAHE1DCAHEOVHFright348 (168)°10000ft - 14000ft1.0min timed230
CAHE1ECAHEOVHFright348 (168)°10000ft - 14000ft1.0min timed230
CAHE1FCAHEOVHFright348 (168)°10000ft - 14000ft1.0min timed230
HUE1ADANNDBright330 (150)°14000ft - 60000ft1.5min timedICAO rules
HUE1CHUENDBleft245 (65)°> 7000ft1.0min timedICAO rules
HUE1DHUENDBleft245 (65)°> 7000ft1.0min timedICAO rules
HUE1EHUENDBleft245 (65)°> 7000ft1.0min timedICAO rules
HUE1FHUENDBleft245 (65)°> 7000ft1.0min timedICAO rules
KAN1CDJFIXright173 (353)°7060ft - 14000ft1.0min timedICAO rules
KANG1AD057OVHFright57 (237)°4930ft - 14000ft1.0min timedICAO rules
KANG1BDANNDBright330 (150)°14000ft - 60000ft1.5min timedICAO rules
KANG1DKANGUVHFleft73 (253)°9030ft - 14000ft1.0min timed230
KANG1EKANGUVHFleft73 (253)°9030ft - 14000ft1.0min timed230
KANG1FKANGUVHFleft73 (253)°9030ft - 14000ft1.0min timed230
KANG1GKANGUVHFleft73 (253)°9030ft - 14000ft1.0min timed230
MANG1AMANGAVHFright270 (90)°9030ft - 14000ft1.0min timed230
MANG1BMANGAVHFright270 (90)°9030ft - 14000ft1.0min timed230
MIN1CDJFIXright173 (353)°7060ft - 14000ft1.0min timedICAO rules
MISI1ATAHUAVHFleft186 (6)°9030ft - 14000ft1.0min timedICAO rules
MISI1BDANNDBright330 (150)°14000ft - 60000ft1.5min timedICAO rules
NOCK1ANOCKAVHFleft173 (353)°10000ft - 14000ft1.0min timed230
NOCK1BNOCKAVHFleft173 (353)°10000ft - 14000ft1.0min timed230
PB1BDJFIXright173 (353)°7060ft - 14000ft1.0min timedICAO rules
SAM1CDJFIXright173 (353)°7060ft - 14000ft1.0min timedICAO rules
SUNR1AANLUTVHFright182 (2)°> 9030ft1.0min timedICAO rules
SUNR1BDANNDBright330 (150)°14000ft - 60000ft1.5min timedICAO rules
TAM1CDJFIXright173 (353)°7060ft - 14000ft1.0min timedICAO rules
TAMK1AD144UVHFright144 (324)°4930ft - 14000ft1.0min timedICAO rules
TAMK1BDANNDBright330 (150)°14000ft - 60000ft1.5min timedICAO rules
TAMK1DTAMKYVHFleft97 (277)°8040ft - 14000ft1.0min timed230
TAMK1ETAMKYVHFleft97 (277)°8040ft - 14000ft1.0min timed230
TAN1CDJFIXright173 (353)°7060ft - 14000ft1.0min timedICAO rules
TANA1ADANNDBright330 (150)°14000ft - 60000ft1.5min timedICAO rules
*) magnetic outbound (inbound) holding course


The information on this website is not for real aviation. Use this data with the X-Plane flight simulator only! Data taken with kind consent from X-Plane 12 source code and data files. Content is subject to change without notice.