Airports for X-Plane offers a convenient way to explore airports and their related communication information for the X-Plane flight simulator. It only uses data from the X-Plane flight simulator itself, and is therefore more reliable than the data that comes from real aviation websites. You can search for airports by using the ICAO code, or browse for airports per country and state. The information displayed is categorized by airport details, runway information, airport communication, approach frequencies (ILS and Glidepath details), details of nearby beacons, SIDs, STARs and approach procedures.

port helipad commuter local government passenger customs jet flights aircraft arriving embassy train station flown landing area propeller plane air terminal railway station non-towered airport stopover airspeed

Kunming - Kunming Changshui Intl

Airport details

AirspaceKunming Ctr
Elevation6900ft (2103m)
TimezoneGMT +8
Coordinates25.10500, 102.94167
Magnetic var
Available sinceX-Plane v10.40
FAA coden/a


Kunming Changshui Intl ATIS128.450
Kunming Changshui Intl Delivery121.700
Kunming Changshui Intl Ground121.650
Kunming Changshui Intl Ground121.950
Kunming Changshui Intl Tower Rwy 03/21130.600
Kunming Changshui Intl Tower Rwy 04/22118.100
Kunming Changshui Intl Approach 1119.000
Kunming Changshui Intl Approach 5124.250
Kunming Changshui Intl Approach 2123.800
Kunming Changshui Intl Approach 3120.350
Kunming Changshui Intl Approach 4121.150

Approach frequencies

3° GSRW21110.118.00mi
3° GSRW04109.318.00mi
3° GSRW22108.518.00mi
3° GSRW03111.318.00mi
Nearby Points of Interest:
Golden Temple Park
Sutra Pillar of the Ksitigarbha Temple
Fu Lin Tang
The Diamond Throne Pagoda of the Miaozhan Temple
Huating Temple
Chengjiang Fossil Site
Wang Renqiu Stele

Runway info

Runway 04 / 22  
 length4512m (14803ft)
 bearing41° / 221°
 width51m (167ft)
 displ threshold0m (0ft) / 500m (1640ft)
 blast zone120m (394ft) / 120m (394ft)
Runway 03 / 21  
 length4014m (13169ft)
 bearing41° / 221°
 width45m (148ft)
 displ threshold543m (1781ft) / 0m (0ft)
 blast zone120m (394ft) / 120m (394ft)

Nearby beacons

XFAPANLONG VOR/DME17.8358°110.80
SGMXISHAN VOR/DME22.9267°110.60
XSJJINNING VOR/DME26.4199°108.20
DJTMALONG VOR/DME44.157°114.60
LXILUXI VOR/DME55.2125°112.30

Departure and arrival routes

Transition altitude17717ft
Transition level19685ft
SID end pointsdistanceoutbound heading
 DAD01D, DAD9W86mi14°
 NOD8W, NOD9W, NOD01D74mi58°
 LXI01D, LXI8W, LXI9W55mi125°
 ELA01D, ELA9W92mi226°
 GUL9W, GUL01D80mi251°
 DAD21D, DAD9X86mi14°
 NOD9X, NOD8X, NOD21D74mi58°
 LXI9X, LXI21D55mi125°
 ELA8X, ELA9X, ELA21D92mi226°
 GUL21D, GUL8X, GUL9X80mi251°
 DAD9Y, DAD1Y, DAD11D86mi14°
 NOD9Y, NOD11D74mi58°
 LXI11D, LXI9Y55mi125°
 ELA11D, ELA9Y92mi226°
 GUL9Y, GUL11D80mi251°
 NIX11D, NIX9Y65mi347°
 DAD9Z, DAD31D, DAD1Z86mi14°
 NOD31D, NOD9Z74mi58°
 LXI9Z, LXI31D55mi125°
 ELA31D, ELA9Z92mi226°
 GUL9Z, GUL31D80mi251°
 NIX31D, NIX9Z65mi347°

STAR starting pointsdistanceinbound heading
 ELA01A, ELA02A, ELA3J92.046°
 XIS02A, XIS01A73.6228°
 LXI1J, LXI01A55.2305°
 ELA01A, ELA02A, ELA3J92.046°
 XIS02A, XIS01A73.6228°
 LXI1J, LXI01A55.2305°
 ELA11A, LXI11A26.419°
 LXI12A, GUL11A, ELA13A, ELA12A25.262°
 XIS12A, XIS11A63.3226°
 LXI1L, GUL2L, ELA1L18.6245°
 LXI12A, GUL11A, ELA12A25.262°
 XIS12A, XIS11A63.3226°
 LXI1L, GUL2L, ELA1L18.6245°

Holding patterns

STAR namehold attypeturnheading*altitudelegspeed limit
ELA01AXSJNDBright111 (291)°> 11820ft1.0min timedICAO rules
ELA11AXSJNDBright111 (291)°> 11820ft1.0min timedICAO rules
ELA12AXSJNDBright111 (291)°> 11820ft1.0min timedICAO rules
ELA1JPP536VHFleft234 (54)°> 11820ft1.0min timedICAO rules
ELA1JXSJNDBright111 (291)°> 11820ft1.0min timedICAO rules
ELA1LPP536VHFleft234 (54)°> 11820ft1.0min timedICAO rules
ELA2JPP536VHFleft234 (54)°> 11820ft1.0min timedICAO rules
GUL1JPP537VHFleft268 (88)°> 11820ft1.0min timedICAO rules
GUL1LPP537VHFleft268 (88)°> 11820ft1.0min timedICAO rules
GUL2LPP537VHFleft268 (88)°> 11820ft1.0min timedICAO rules
LXI01AXSJNDBright111 (291)°> 11820ft1.0min timedICAO rules
LXI11AXSJNDBright111 (291)°> 11820ft1.0min timedICAO rules
LXI12AXSJNDBright111 (291)°> 11820ft1.0min timedICAO rules
LXI1JXSJNDBright111 (291)°> 11820ft1.0min timedICAO rules
LXI1LXSJNDBright111 (291)°> 11820ft1.0min timedICAO rules
LXI2LXSJNDBright111 (291)°> 11820ft1.0min timedICAO rules
MEB01AXFA40VHFright40 (220)°> 16740ft1.0min timedICAO rules
MEB11AXFA40VHFright40 (220)°> 16740ft1.0min timedICAO rules
MEB1JPP501VHFright40 (220)°> 16740ft1.5min timedICAO rules
MEB1LPP501VHFright40 (220)°> 16740ft1.5min timedICAO rules
XIS01AXSJNDBright111 (291)°> 11820ft1.0min timedICAO rules
XIS1JPP516VHFleft36 (216)°> 13780ft1.0min timedICAO rules
XIS1JXSJNDBright111 (291)°> 11820ft1.0min timedICAO rules
XIS1LPP516VHFleft36 (216)°> 13780ft1.0min timedICAO rules
*) magnetic outbound (inbound) holding course


The information on this website is not for real aviation. Use this data with the X-Plane flight simulator only! Data taken with kind consent from X-Plane 12 source code and data files. Content is subject to change without notice.