Airports for X-Plane offers a convenient way to explore airports and their related communication information for the X-Plane flight simulator. It only uses data from the X-Plane flight simulator itself, and is therefore more reliable than the data that comes from real aviation websites. You can search for airports by using the ICAO code, or browse for airports per country and state. The information displayed is categorized by airport details, runway information, airport communication, approach frequencies (ILS and Glidepath details), details of nearby beacons, SIDs, STARs and approach procedures.

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Nha Trang - Cam Ranh

Airport details

StateKhánh Hòa Province
AirspaceHo Chi Minh Ctr
MunicipalityCam Ranh city
Elevation40ft (12m)
TimezoneGMT +7
Coordinates11.99546, 109.21841
Magnetic var
Available sinceX-Plane v10.40
FAA coden/a


Cam Ranh Tower118.200
Cam Ranh Approach127.900

Approach frequencies

3.5° GSRW02L110.718.00mi
3.5° GSRW02R111.918.00mi
3° GSRW20L110.318.00mi

Runway info

Runway 02L / 20R  
 length3063m (10049ft)
 bearing19° / 199°
 width46m (150ft)
 blast zone255m (837ft) / 255m (837ft)
Runway 02R / 20L  
 length3057m (10030ft)
 bearing19° / 199°
 width45m (148ft)

Nearby beacons

CRACAM RANH VOR/DME0.1123°116.50
CRCAM RANH NDB0.3337°414
HYDDALAT NDB53.8255°312
DLDALAT NDB57.9255°330

Departure and arrival routes

Transition altitude9030ft
Transition level10000ft
SID end pointsdistanceoutbound heading
RW02 (ALL)
 KARA1B, KARA1A39mi355°
 FURA1A, NITO1C95mi62°
 KARA1E, KARA1D39mi355°
RW20 (ALL)
 NITO1D, KOPO1A95mi62°

STAR starting pointsdistanceinbound heading
RW02 (ALL)
RW20 (ALL)

Instrument approach procedures

runwayairway (heading)route (dist, bearing)
RW02LYCR220 (295°)CR220 4000ft
CR021 (16mi, 258°)
CR022 (8mi, 296°) 2600ft
 RNAVCR022 2600ft
CR023 (3mi, 19°) 2140ft
MR02L (4mi, 19°) 583ft
CR218 (5mi, 19°)
CR219 (12mi, 83°) 4000ft
CR220 (15mi, 153°) 4000ft
CR220 (turn) 4000ft
RW02LZCR021 (342°)CR021 5000ft
CR022 (8mi, 296°) 2600ft
 RNAVCR022 2600ft
CR023 (3mi, 19°) 2140ft
MR02L (4mi, 19°) 583ft
CR218 (5mi, 19°)
CR219 (12mi, 83°) 4000ft
CR220 (15mi, 153°) 4000ft
CR220 (turn) 4000ft
RW02RYCR220 (295°)CR220 4000ft
CR021 (16mi, 258°)
CR822 (8mi, 296°) 2610ft
 RNAVCR822 2610ft
CR823 (3mi, 19°) 2140ft
VVCR (6mi, 18°) 69ft
CR818 (4mi, 21°)
CR219 (11mi, 89°) 4000ft
CR220 (15mi, 153°) 4000ft
CR220 (turn) 4000ft
RW02RZCR021 (342°)CR021 5000ft
CR822 (8mi, 296°) 2610ft
 RNAVCR822 2610ft
CR823 (3mi, 19°) 2140ft
VVCR (6mi, 18°) 69ft
CR818 (4mi, 21°)
CR219 (11mi, 89°) 4000ft
CR220 (15mi, 153°) 4000ft
CR220 (turn) 4000ft
RW20LYCR223 (299°)CR223 4000ft
CR201 (21mi, 336°)
CR293 (7mi, 288°) 3120ft
 RNAVCR293 3120ft
CR294 (4mi, 199°) 2140ft
VVCR (7mi, 200°) 84ft
CR295 (4mi, 197°) 2000ft
CR222 (15mi, 133°)
CR223 (10mi, 68°) 4000ft
CR223 (turn) 4000ft
RW20LZCR201 (230°)CR201 5000ft
CR293 (7mi, 288°) 3120ft
RW20LZCR202 (199°)CR202 4000ft
CR293 (4mi, 197°) 3120ft
RW20LZCR209 (159°)CR209 6000ft
CR293 (10mi, 108°) 3120ft
 RNAVCR293 3120ft
CR294 (4mi, 199°) 2140ft
VVCR (7mi, 200°) 84ft
CR295 (4mi, 197°) 2000ft
CR222 (15mi, 133°)
CR223 (10mi, 68°) 4000ft
CR223 (turn) 4000ft
RW20RYCR223 (299°)CR223 4000ft
CR201 (21mi, 336°)
CR203 (7mi, 289°) 3100ft
 RNAVCR203 3100ft
CR204 (4mi, 199°) 2140ft
VVCR (7mi, 199°) 96ft
CR205 (4mi, 199°) 2000ft
CR222 (15mi, 133°)
CR223 (10mi, 68°) 4000ft
CR223 (turn) 4000ft
RW20RZCR201 (230°)CR201 5000ft
CR203 (7mi, 289°) 3100ft
RW20RZCR202 (199°)CR202 4000ft
CR203 (4mi, 199°) 3100ft
RW20RZCR209 (159°)CR209 6000ft
CR203 (10mi, 108°) 3100ft
 RNAVCR203 3100ft
CR204 (4mi, 199°) 2140ft
VVCR (7mi, 199°) 96ft
CR205 (4mi, 199°) 2000ft
CR222 (15mi, 133°)
CR223 (10mi, 68°) 4000ft
CR223 (turn) 4000ft

Holding patterns

STAR namehold attypeturnheading*altitudelegspeed limit
ANKI1AANKINVHFright232 (52)°9000ft - 14000ft1.0min timed230
ANKI1ACR021VHFleft117 (297)°5000ft - 14000ft1.0min timed230
BANK1ABANKEVHFleft261 (81)°11000ft - 14000ft1.0min timed230
BANK1ACR021VHFleft117 (297)°5000ft - 14000ft1.0min timed230
BANK1CBANKEVHFleft261 (81)°11000ft - 14000ft1.0min timed230
BANK1CCR209VHFleft289 (109)°6000ft - 14000ft1.0min timed230
COTU2ACR021VHFleft117 (297)°5000ft - 14000ft1.0min timed230
COTU2ASIMMEVHFleft355 (175)°12000ft - 14000ft1.0min timed230
COTU3BCR202VHFleft19 (199)°4000ft - 14000ft1.0min timed230
COTU3BSIMMEVHFleft355 (175)°12000ft - 14000ft1.0min timed230
HUNT2ACR021VHFleft117 (297)°5000ft - 14000ft1.0min timed230
HUNT2ALIGUNVHFleft63 (243)°14000ft - 14000ft1.0min timed230
HUNT2BCR201VHFright110 (290)°5000ft - 14000ft1.0min timed230
HUNT2BLIGUNVHFleft63 (243)°14000ft - 14000ft1.0min timed230
PANL1BCHUTUVHFleft277 (97)°11000ft - 14000ft1.0min timed230
PANL1BCR209VHFleft289 (109)°6000ft - 14000ft1.0min timed230
SOTE1ABIDAMVHFleft303 (123)°8000ft - 14000ft1.0min timed230
SOTE1ACR021VHFleft117 (297)°5000ft - 14000ft1.0min timed230
*) magnetic outbound (inbound) holding course


The information on this website is not for real aviation. Use this data with the X-Plane flight simulator only! Data taken with kind consent from X-Plane 12 source code and data files. Content is subject to change without notice.